You will discern truth from falsehood in your core identity.
Integrated spiritual growth requires no money, foreign travel, gurus or years with a counselor. Forty Weeks offers a highly practical, easily understood week-by-week Ignition spiritual discipline to find integral healing and holiness in Christ. Enter the narrow path of Forty Weeks. Enter the Sacred Story that Christ is now writing in the universe and on your heart.
You will learn to bring your life to Christ for healing.
How and why did St. Ignatius Loyola develop the Examen prayer? What is it supposed to accomplish for those who practice it? Why do people choose to forgo this discipline that has proved to be invaluable and essential to spiritual growth and the discernment of spirits over the centuries? What are the contemporary cultural crises confronting today's would-be Examen practitioners provoking distrust, fear, or dismissive attitudes towards it? How can an Examen faithful to Ignatius original method be modernized to address the mindset of today's Christians? This book in its three parts takes a new approach to answer these questions. It provides a new analysis on how Ignatius' spiritual Examen disciplines were developed, the challenges inherent in practicing them, and a dynamic new reading of the Examen called Sacred Story. This book will give you the spiritual tools you need for a practical, daily prayer discipline that incorporates principles of spiritual discernment.
Sacred Story
Forty Week: An Ignatian Path to Christ with Sacred Story Prayer (classic art edition) is the parish version of the new Ignatian Examen as detailed in the book: Sacred Story—An Ignatian Examen for the Third Millennium. Designed as a parish spiritual renewal program/resource for pastors, parishioners, adult faith formation directors and RCIA programs, it also serves as a self-guided prayer experience for the individual user.
Forty Weeks will be a life-changing annual program to introduce congregation members to a heart-felt personal relationship with Jesus in daily prayer, spiritual discernment and a regular and fruitful practice of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All in all, about twenty years’ worth of reflection, study, testing, feedback, and refinement have gone into this updated version of St. Ignatius’ powerful Examen prayer.
Forty Weeks is a perfect program of solid, classic spirituality updated for the third millennium to promote the new evangelization first described by Pope John Paul II early in his papacy, continued by Pope Benedict XVI and now strongly proclaimed by Pope Francis.
You will learn to connect to Christ in your daily life.
The Affirmations in this book are thumbnail sketches in spiritual discernment inspired by St. Ignatius of Loyola. They can be a tremendous spiritual resource for your life. Most of them are lifted from St. Ignatius’ Rules for the Discernment of Spirits; called Rules for Weeks One and Two in the Spiritual Exercises. I have taken the substance of St. Ignatius’ “Rules” for both Week One and Week Two and translated Ignatius’ discernment guidelines into affirmative statements. Learning their wisdom can provide hope and encouragement on your spiritual journey through this life to Christ’s eternal kingdom. You can also avoid much suffering and grief as you learn the predictable ways evil manifests in your life history—your story—and learn to resist the spiritual assaults and deceptions that move you away from the pathway of light. Pay attention to those that speak to your heart. As you do, ask God why they are meaningful for your own Sacred Story. St. Ignatius always wants us to ask God for the grace of understanding. So don’t be shy! Tell the Lord: “this touches my heart - help me to understand why it is important for me in my life.” Note too, the ones that made no sense at all on your first pray-through. Ask that God’s Holy Spirit keep you open to the graced wisdom they can offer further down the road of your Sacred Story journey.